Happy 4th of July!  In honor of the birth of America, we salute the furniture companies that are still proudly made in America.  The next time you need something for your home, consider a company made in America first!

Here are just a few of our favorites…

We wish you and your family a very happy Fourth!


Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams



American Leather

American Leather

American Leather


American Leather

American Leather


American Leather

American Leather



Gat Creek


Gat Creek

Gat Creek


Gat Creek

Gat Creek


Gat Creek

Gat Creek


Gat Creek

Gat Creek















Rowe Furniture

Rowe Furniture

Rowe Furniture






Rowe Furniture



Rowe Furniture

Rowe Furniture